Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Creative research and interpretations in architecture and urbanism (17.A926)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

The aim of the course is to introduce students with the field of the advanced creative research in domains of architecture and urbanism through identification, analysis, systematization, creative comparison and the regulation of architectural and artistic practices that are oriented towards space as a phenomenon. Through individual research students develop the ability to understand and apply creative processes in interpretations of architectural theoretical settings. Development of creative thinking and further application of these processes lead to evolution of students’ own creative interpretations of phenomena in domains of architecture and urbanism.

Ability to define a wider interdisciplinary framework necessary for the creation of an individual creative interpretation in domains of architecture and urbanism. The skill of understanding the existing creative interpretations in the field. Ability to define the basic research settings and to conduct their own creative research necessary for further work on the doctoral thesis.

Lecturing consists of the following thematic units: Creative research - types of research, systematization of the research approaches and hierarchy of the creative research complexity in domains of architecture and urbanism; Selected contemporary practices - case studies of settings, development and application of creative research methods in architecture and urbanism; Structure of the creative interdisciplinary research applied in architecture and urbanism; Possibilities for further application of the creative research results in a wider disciplinary framework - architecture in other disciplines and correlating disciplines in architecture

Lectures; mentoring; discussions; consultation

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Weizman, Eyal Forensic Architecture – Violence at the Threshold of Detectability 2013 The MIT Press; Massachusetts & London English
Soja, Edward W. Thirdspace: Expanding the Geographical Imagination 1996 Blackwell publishers; Oxford English
Holl, Steven, Pallasmaa, Juhani; Pérez-Gómez, Alberto Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture 2008 JA+U Publishing Co., Ltd. English
Awan, Nishat; Schneider, Tatjana; Till, Jeremy Spatial Agency: Other ways of doing architecture 2011 Taylor & Francis Ltd, NY and London; 2011 English
Kunze, Donald; Bertolini, David; Brott, Simone Architecture Post Mortem (The Diastolic Architecture of Decline, Dystopia, and Death) 2013 Routledge; London English
Ebeling, Siegfried Space as Membrane 2010 Architectural Association Publishing; London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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Prof. Zeković Miljana

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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