Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Development of typology of urban form (17.A918)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

Enabling students to study, analyze, and critical evaluation of complex transformation of urban space. The goal is that after completing the course students are able to form an adequate classification and typology of space, depending on the parameters for the study.

Students who successfully complete all obligations under the program object being adequately trained to recognize relationships in urban areas, and to establish appropriate classifications and typologies of space. The acquired knowledge is used in the further education especially in areas dealing with urban and regional planning.

The study at the course Development of the Typology for Urban Space is oriented towards the analysis of transformations related to basic urban forms, as well as all other elements of town morphology, from the ratio of the smallest human agglomerations to contemporary megalopolises. Special emphasis is placed on forces leading to alterations in urban spaces in morphological, programme, ambient and any other sense, since they present the direct consequence of urban space transformations. Course content are certainly contemporary urban spaces in domestic environment where concrete research is to take place, as well as establishing the laws of stability and alterations of urban fragments on the examples of contemporary European towns, which had their development and transformations in some other time period.

Teaching is performed on lectures, and on tutorial classes with each student for the elaboration of their seminar papers. Final grade s formed on the basis of a seminar paper at the adequate level.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Spiro Kostoff City Shaped 1999 London: Thames and Hudson English
Spiro Kostoff City Assembled 2001 London: Thames and Hudson English
Ian Gel. Cities for People 2010 Danish architectural press, Kopenhagen. English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Prof. Reba Darko

Full Professor


Prof. Vračarić Milica

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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