Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Perspective (17.A555)

Native organizations units: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Geometric Space Theory and Interpretation in Architecture and Urbanism

Developing the ability of spatial visualization (SV), spatial imagination and graphic representation of three-dimensional (3D) space on the perspective image (PI)

Ability of deduction and interpretation of spatial relationships and properties of the complex geometric shapes and their geometric structures on the perspective image. 3D configuration design and graphic expression of PI.

SV of geometric object on PI. Central projection of basic geometric forms (point, line, surface). Oblique perspective. Image elements for direct detection of metric properties. Criteria for direct recognition of spatial relationships of objects. Rotation and conditional real measures. Concepts of visibility. Application to the more complex forms (straight figures, poyhedra, the rotational body, flat surface and intersections, etc.) Visualization and geometric structures of complex 3D forms to the PI. Visible angle and set up of PI. Perspective from the angle and frontal perspective. Analysis of applicable surfaces in architecture: production surfaces, arches, vaults, domes, roofs etc. Visual realism on the PI. Shadows. Mirrors. Central and parallel lighting. Typical elements of light rays for direct determination of the shadows on the PI. The images in horizontal, vertical and inclined mirrors. Restitution of PI. Analysis criteria of PI for the detection of metric properties and spatial relationships of objects displayed on the PI.

Lectures. Graphic-Auditory Practice. Consultations. The course examination consists of two tests. Examination: written and final. (The written examination prerequisite is to have at least 35 points in examination prerequisites.)

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 50.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 30.00
API Image

Prof. Stojaković Vesna

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Kićanović Jelena

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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