Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Physics in architecture (17.A401)

Native organizations units: Department of Fundamentals Sciences
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field
  • Physics
  • Physics

Gaining fundamental knowledge in physics.

Understanding the basic physical processes in nature and technology.

Mechanics of the material point, oscillations, waves. Mechanics of fluids. Acoustics (sound, sound intensity, space acoustics, Doppler’s effect). Optics (wave properties, geometric optics, photometric size, brightness, correction of critical illumination, space protection from excessive lamination). Thermo physics (heat as a form of energy, ways of heat transmission, thermodynamic properties of the system, the efficiency coefficient of thermal machines). Using materials in optics, acoustics and thermo physics. General classification: Heating and air conditioning, electrical wiring, plumbing and sewer. Heating (heating systems, types of local ways of space heating, remote heating, heating installations, radiators). Solar heating systems, the use of solar energy. Ventilation and ways of air conditioning the space. Basic concepts on electricity and current. Methods of electrical wiring installation. The network of water supply and sewerage pipes and methods of their design and set-up.

Lectures. Computer Practice. Laboratory Practice. Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Laboratory exercise defence Yes Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
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Asst. Prof. Lakatoš Robert

Assistant Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Stojković Ivana

Associate Professor

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Asst. Prof. Lakatoš Robert

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Assoc. Prof. Stojković Ivana

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Teaching Associate Šešelja Petra

Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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