Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Free Hand Drawing (17.A331)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Likovne umetnosti u arhitekturi, tehnici i dizajnu
  • Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

Developing and fostering of fine art and visual culture. Mastering basic drawing skills. Developing of feelings for space, composition and proportions.

Students' ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in project tasks, in the further education and future professional work.

Practical and theoretical acquaintance with the problems of visual composition with emphasis on the line, surface, valer and texture through the drawing analysis of the object. Study of the shape and relation of the shapes of elements in the space. Spatial relations. Composition, organization of space. Proportions, size ratio. Perspective. Construction. Volume. Materialization. An analytical study of still life, a human figure. View interior, city space, mobiliar. Simple and complex composition of volume of model, according to the visual experience and in accordance with the idea. Drawing tools and techniques. Different types of drawings: sketchy drawing, crokuis drawing, studies.

The transfer of theoretical knowledge and exercises is carried out simultaneously during the course. Correction, control, and case comparison are done. Demonstrative and consultative way of working.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 65.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00

prof. Subotin-Nikolić Mirjana

Full Professor


prof. Subotin-Nikolić Mirjana

Full Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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