Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Introduction to urbanism (17.A322)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

Introduction to the basic activities of urbanism and their significance, as well as the understanding of the interrelationship of the elements of the physical structure of the settlements that are the framework of human life. Study of different urban elements from aspects important for their spatial, content, ambient, ecological, sociological character and their contribution to the quality of life in the settlement. Identifying the interrelations of the elements of the built environment and their influence on the development of the settlement.

Ability of students to independently study, analyze, evaluate and design urban units and fragments. Adoption of the analytical way of thinking and approach and understanding the significance of the research process and evaluation of the current situation in the further process of designing urban spaces. The acquired knowledge is used in further education, especially in professional subjects related to urban planning and design.

The subject points to the duality of the built environment, the elements of the natural and the created, the built and the ungraded, peaceful and active, public and private, and where the architectural units and areas of the settlement are in constant interference. The analysis, synthesis and comparative analysis of the basic elements of the built environment, object, parcel, streets, squares, blocks, as well as areas and settlements from the urban aspects are starting methods of research on this subject. Special attention is paid to important gathering points, old historical, ambient and natural units, while insisting on their preservation. The complex processes of formation, development and degradation of settlements are examined through the historical course and through the prism of the specific action of many factors, natural, political, social, economical, technological and other.

Lectures, exercises, graphic works, consultations and field research. The grade of the exam is formed on the basis of attending lectures and exercises, successes in the work of a class and a written or oral exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Project task Yes Yes 60.00

Asst. Prof. Milinković Aleksandra

Assistant Professor

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Asst. Prof. Silađi Maria

Assistant Professor

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Asst. Prof. Silađi Maria

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Assistant - Master Janjušević Miljan

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Professional Studies Professor Mihajlović Marko

Intern Researcher

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.