Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Architecture Analysis, Functions and Typology 2 (17.A204)

Native organizations units: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

Extending basic knowledge in the process of architectural analysis, as a precondition for adequate synthesis – project. Mastering the basic functional programmes of architectural and/or urban space for their design. Mastering and training for independent approach to the process of designing more simple spatial-functional frames within certain architectural typologies.

The student is trained to independently solve more simple functional programmes within architectural design and urban planning, which will serve as a base for extension in the field of design and planning of complex programmes at both spatial levels.

Functional and compositional analysis, architectural typology. Spatial levels in architecture and urban planning, the details of landscape architecture and its place, role and importance of the built environment. Concept and context of the architecture. Architectural analysis in function of synthesis, an introduction to the design procedure.

Lectures, Practice, Graphic Papers, and Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Final exam - part one No Yes 25.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Final exam - part two No Yes 25.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Krklješ Milena

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Janjušević Miljan

Assistant - Master

DON - drugi oblici nastave

Asst. Prof. Milinković Aleksandra

Assistant Professor

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Asistent sa doktoratom dr Škorić Stefan

Assistant with PhD

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Asistent sa doktoratom Brkljač Dijana

Assistant with PhD

DON - drugi oblici nastave

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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