Subject: Automatic Control Systems in Electronics (12 - EMSAU1)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Automatic Control and System Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 01.01.2007..

Course which have preconditioned courses Automatic Control Systems in Electronics

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Control and process electronicsNoNo
Introducing students to the theoretical and practical basis of analysis and synthesis of the automatic control system.
Acquired knowledge can be used in solving specific engineering problems, and also represent the basis for further understanding of professional courses.
Basic notions and principles of automatic control systems. Mathematical description of continual linear and non linear systems.Laplace transform. Block diagram models. Signal flow graph models. Quality evaluation and of control in stationary and transition regime. Analysis of system stability using analytical methods. Root locus. Analysis and syntheses of system in frequency domain. Nyquist stability criteria, Bode method, Concept of space of system state. Choice and adjusting of parameters of industrial regulators. PID regulators, Elements of digital control systems. Introduction to computer application in control.
Lectures; Computing (N), Laboratory (L), Computer (C) and Computer-Laboratory (CL) Practice; Consultations. Part of the course which represents a logical whole can be passed in the form of colloquium. Colloquium and the examination are oral and written. Colloquium and the written part of the examination are taken in the written from, while oral part of the examination is oral. Course grade is formed based on the success in test, computer-laboratory practice and written and oral part of the examination.
M. StojićKontinualni sistemi automatskog upravljanja1996Naučna knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
. B.Kovačević, Ž.ĐurovićSistemi automatskog upravljanja -zbornik rešenih zadataka1995Nauka, BeogradSerbian language
D. Kukolj i ostaliOsnove klasične teorije automatskog upravljanja kroz rešene primere1995Somel, SomborSerbian language
D. Kukolj, F. KulićProjektovanje sistema automatskog upravljanja u prostoru stanja1995Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi SadSerbian language
Richard C. Dorf; Robert H. Bishop Modern Control Systems 1998 Addison-Wesley English
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Laboratory exercise attendanceYesNo10.00
Oral part of the examNoYes20.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes40.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Kulić Filip
Full Professor

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Petrovački Nebojša
Assistant Professor

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Petković Milena

Practical classes
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Bugarski Vladimir
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Bugarski Vladimir
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Petković Milena

Laboratory classes