Subject: Contemporary theories and technologies applied to architecture, urbanism and design 1 (12 - AT04)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Contemporary theories and technologies applied to architecture, urbanism and designYesNo

Course which have preconditioned courses Contemporary theories and technologies applied to architecture, urbanism and design 1

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Contemporary theories and technologies applied to architecture, urbanism and design 2YesNo
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the theoretical principles of modern methodologies in architectural design. Students will learn about the philosophical directions of the end of the 20th century and the way they influenced the creation of the evolutional dynamic systems, morphogenetic principles of the creation of form and the application of these principles in the field of contemporary architectural and urban design
In this course, students are trained to solve complex, functional and formal problems in the field of architecture and urbanism. Students will be using modern methodologies in the design process to develop analytical thinking and the ability to expand knowledge in solving the complex problems of the built environment. Also students will be familiar with the optimization process and evolutionary systems and potential applications in the design process.
The basic principles of modern methodologies in the design process-philosophical ideas; Algorithm / chart as a starting point; Using of contemporary methodologies in architectural and urban design; Application of modern techniques and technologies to architectural and urban design; Application of adaptable systems to the problems in the field of architecture, urbanism and urban planning-programming, functional, structural aspects. Top down / bottom up process, Finding Form / form making, Emergence. Complex adaptable systems without central coordination. Evolutionary Systems / morphogenesis. Biomimicry. Digital morphogenesis
Lectures, exercises, consultations, and oral exam.
Delez, ŽilPonavljanje i razlika2009FedonSerbian language
Delez, ŽilPregovori2010KarposSerbian language
Gatari, Feliks; Delez, ŽilKafka1998IZDAVAČKA KNJIZARNICA ZORANA STOJANOVICASerbian language
Gatari, Feliks; Delez, ŽilŠta je filozofija?1995IZDAVAČKA KNJIZARNICA ZORANA STOJANOVICASerbian language
Gatari, Feliks; Delez, ŽilAnti-Edip: Kapitalizam i shizofrenija1990IZDAVAČKA KNJIZARNICA ZORANA STOJANOVICASerbian language
Bodrijar, ŽanPakt o lucidnosti ili Inteligencija Zla2009ArhipelagSerbian language
Debor, GiDruštvo spekatkla1967Serbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Project taskYesYes15.00
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Atanacković-Jeličić Jelena
Full Professor

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Miškeljin Ivana
Full Professor

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Ecet Dejan
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Kojić Radomir
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Radović Milenko
Assistant - Master

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Despotović Jelena
Assistant with PhD

Practical classes