Science Associate Ljubica Župunski

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Ljubica Župunski

Science Associate

Academic titleScience Associate
Employee's biography not found!
Science Associate
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Science Associate01.08.2017.31.07.2022.Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Intern Researcher29.05.2016.Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Assistant with PhD06.06.2014.01.05.2016.Chair of Environmental Engineering
Assistant - Master29.05.2013.01.05.2014.Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health
Assistant - Master18.06.2009.01.05.2013.Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Teaching Associate01.10.2008.01.06.2009.Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
TitleIn institution
Primena tehnike MRI na eksperimentalnom modelu laboratorijskog pacova tretiranog toksikantom trimetil kalajem

Bachelor's thesis

Biological Science

Faculty of Biology


Primena metode Monte Karlo kod procene rizika po zdravlje stanovništva usled izlaganja prirodnim radionuklidima iz zemljišta

PhD thesis

Physical-Chemical Science

Faculty of Physical Chemistry


Criterium of productionDescription
() Župunski Lj., Spasić Jokić V., Gordanić V.: Low dose exposure to radionuclides in soil, in: Radionuclides: Sources, Properties and Hazards, Ed. by Javier Guillen Gerada, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2012, str. 151-169, ISBN 978-1-61942-748-8
() Spasić Jokić V., Župunski Lj., Janković-Mandić Lj., Gordanić V., Mitrović Z., Vujičić B., Župunski I.: Environmental risk of natural radiation sources, 6. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari: IEEE, 30-31 Maj, 2011, pp. 638-641, ISBN 978-1-4244-9337-1
() Spasić Jokić V., Župunski Lj., Gordanić V.: Measurement uncertainty estimation related to cancer mortality risk due to low dose, low-LET external irradiation, 1. International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Niš: University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 25-27 April, 2012, pp. 313-315, ISBN 978-86-6125-063-7
() Research published in the top international journalSpasić Jokić V., Župunski Lj., Janković Lj., Gordanić V.: Effective dose estimation and lifetime cancer mortality risk assessment from exposure to Chernobyl 137Cs on the territory of Belgrade City and the region of Vojvodina, Serbia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011, Vol. 18, pp. 708-715, ISSN 0944-1344
() Research published in the top international journalŽupunski Lj., Spasić Jokić V., Trobok M., Gordanić V.: Cancer Risk Assessment after Exposure From Natural Radionuclides In Soil Using Monte Carlo Techniques DOI: 10.1007/s11356-010-0344-9, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2010, Vol. 17, No 9, pp. 1574-1580, ISSN 0944-1344
() Research published in the top international journalJevtić R., Župunski V., Lalošević (Telečki) M., Župunski Lj.: Predicting potential winter wheat yield losses caused by multiple disease systems and climatic conditions, Crop Protection, 2017, Vol. 99, pp. 17-25, ISSN 0261-2194
() Research published in the top international journalSpasić Jokić V., Župunski Lj., Župunski I.: Measurement uncertainty estimation of health risk from exposure to natural radionuclides in soil., Measurement, 2013, Vol. 46, pp. 2376-2383, ISSN 0263-2241
() Research published in the prominent international journalŽupunski V., Jevtić R., Spasić Jokić V., Župunski Lj., Lalošević (Telečki) M., Ćirić M., Ćurčić Ž.: Sampling Error in Relation to Cyst Nematode Population Density Estimation in Small Field Plots, Journal of Nematology, 2017, Vol. 49, No 2, pp. 150-155, ISSN 0022-300X
() Research published in the international journalŽupunski Lj., Spasić Jokić V., Gordanić V.: Natural radionuclides content in the river sediment and related health risk assessment for the West Morava River basin, Serbia, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2014, Vol. 9, No 3, pp. 75-84, ISSN 1842-4090
() Research published in the international journalBataveljić D., Đogo N., Župunski Lj., Bajić A., Nicaise C., Pochet R., Bačić G., Anđus P.: Live monitoring of brain damage in the rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, General Physiology and Biophysics, 2009, No Special Issue, 28, pp. 212-218, ISSN 0231-5882
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Science AssociateBiomedicinska merenjaResorno ministrarstvo za nauku05.10.2022.
Science AssociateBiomedicinska merenjaResorno ministrarstvo za nauku28.06.2017.
Professional Studies ProfessorElektrična merenja, metrologija i biomedicinaFaculty of Technical Sciences25.05.2016.
Assistant - MasterEnvironment Protection Engineering29.05.2013.
Assistant - MasterElectrical MeasurementsFaculty of Technical Sciences18.06.2009.
Teaching AssociateElectrical MeasurementsFaculty of Technical Sciences26.09.2008.