Ključne reči:
Fuzzy, osvetljenje, pametna kuća, HVAC
Rad se bazira na analiziranju potrošnje električne energije koji se najviše oslikavaju kroz upotrebu HVAC sistema i osvetljenja.
[1] V. Ricquebourg, D. Menga, D. Durand, B. Marhic, L. Delahoche, C. LogeThe smart home concept: our immediate future, 2006 IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics;(2006), pp. 23-28
[2] Obama. Remarks by the president on recovery act funding for smart grid technology; 2009.
[3] Li C, Shi H, Cao Y, Wang J, Kuang Y, Tan Y. Comprehensive review of renewable energy curtailment and avoidance: a specific example in China. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2015;41:1067–79.
[4] Zhou S, Wu Z, Li J, Zhang X. Real-time energy control approach for smart home energy management system. Electr Power Compon Syst 2014;42:315–26.
[5] IEA. Renewables information 2014. International Energy Agency 2014.
[6] A. Ahmad, N. Javaid, N. Alrajeh, Z.A. Khan, U. Qasim, A. Khan, A modified feature selection and artificial neural network-based day-ahead load forecasting model for a smart grid, Appl. Sci. 5 (4) (2015) 1756–1772.
[7] Z. Zhao, W.C. Lee, Y. Shin, K.-B. Song, An optimal power scheduling method for demand response in home energy management system, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 4 (3) (2013) 1391–1400. 118 R. Khalid et al. / Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 21 (2019) 103–118
[8] Household energy consumption and expenditures, consumption by end use. Energy Information Administration (EIA); 2010.
[9] U.S. Department of Energy. Smart grid system report; July 2009.
[10] Vojdani A. Smart integration. IEEE Power Energy Mag 2008;6(6):71–9.
[11] Yan C et al. A novel air-conditioning system for proactive power demand response to smart grid. Energy Convers Manage 2015;102:239–46.
[12] Gangale F, Mengolini A, Onyeji I. Consumer engagement: an insight from smart grid projects in Europe. Energy Policy 2013;60:621–8.
[13] Faruqui A, Sergici S. Household response to dynamic pricing of electricity: a survey of 15 experiments. J Regul Econ 2010;38(2):193–225.
[14] Karjalainen S. Thermal comfort and use of thermostats in Finnish homes and offices. Build Environ 2010;44(6):1237–45.
[15] Johnson BJ et al. A method for modeling household occupant behavior to simulate residential energy consumption. In: Innovative smart grid technologies conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES. IEEE; 2014.
[16] Koomey J, Brown RE. The role of building technologies in reducing and controlling peak electricity demand. Report number, LBNL-49947; 2010.
[17] Vakiloroaya V et al. A review of different strategies for HVAC energy saving. Energy Convers Manage 2014;77:738–54.
[18] Consumer reports. Programmable thermostats lab test - some make saving easier; 2010.
[19] Chanana S, Arora M. Demand response from residential air conditioning load using a programmable communication thermostat. Int J Electr Comput Energetic Eng 2013;7(12).
[20] Woolley Jonathan, Pritoni Marco, Modera Mark. Why occupancy-responsive adaptive thermostats do not always save and the limits for when they should. In: ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings. p. 337–50.
[21] Saputro N, Akkaya K, Uludag S. A survey of routing protocols for smart grid communications. Comput Netw 2012;56(11):2742–71.
[2] Obama. Remarks by the president on recovery act funding for smart grid technology; 2009.
[3] Li C, Shi H, Cao Y, Wang J, Kuang Y, Tan Y. Comprehensive review of renewable energy curtailment and avoidance: a specific example in China. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2015;41:1067–79.
[4] Zhou S, Wu Z, Li J, Zhang X. Real-time energy control approach for smart home energy management system. Electr Power Compon Syst 2014;42:315–26.
[5] IEA. Renewables information 2014. International Energy Agency 2014.
[6] A. Ahmad, N. Javaid, N. Alrajeh, Z.A. Khan, U. Qasim, A. Khan, A modified feature selection and artificial neural network-based day-ahead load forecasting model for a smart grid, Appl. Sci. 5 (4) (2015) 1756–1772.
[7] Z. Zhao, W.C. Lee, Y. Shin, K.-B. Song, An optimal power scheduling method for demand response in home energy management system, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 4 (3) (2013) 1391–1400. 118 R. Khalid et al. / Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 21 (2019) 103–118
[8] Household energy consumption and expenditures, consumption by end use. Energy Information Administration (EIA); 2010.
[9] U.S. Department of Energy. Smart grid system report; July 2009.
[10] Vojdani A. Smart integration. IEEE Power Energy Mag 2008;6(6):71–9.
[11] Yan C et al. A novel air-conditioning system for proactive power demand response to smart grid. Energy Convers Manage 2015;102:239–46.
[12] Gangale F, Mengolini A, Onyeji I. Consumer engagement: an insight from smart grid projects in Europe. Energy Policy 2013;60:621–8.
[13] Faruqui A, Sergici S. Household response to dynamic pricing of electricity: a survey of 15 experiments. J Regul Econ 2010;38(2):193–225.
[14] Karjalainen S. Thermal comfort and use of thermostats in Finnish homes and offices. Build Environ 2010;44(6):1237–45.
[15] Johnson BJ et al. A method for modeling household occupant behavior to simulate residential energy consumption. In: Innovative smart grid technologies conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES. IEEE; 2014.
[16] Koomey J, Brown RE. The role of building technologies in reducing and controlling peak electricity demand. Report number, LBNL-49947; 2010.
[17] Vakiloroaya V et al. A review of different strategies for HVAC energy saving. Energy Convers Manage 2014;77:738–54.
[18] Consumer reports. Programmable thermostats lab test - some make saving easier; 2010.
[19] Chanana S, Arora M. Demand response from residential air conditioning load using a programmable communication thermostat. Int J Electr Comput Energetic Eng 2013;7(12).
[20] Woolley Jonathan, Pritoni Marco, Modera Mark. Why occupancy-responsive adaptive thermostats do not always save and the limits for when they should. In: ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings. p. 337–50.
[21] Saputro N, Akkaya K, Uludag S. A survey of routing protocols for smart grid communications. Comput Netw 2012;56(11):2742–71.
Elektrotehničko i računarsko inženjerstvo