Ključne reči:
Imidžing, radiografija, MRI, CT, PET, ultrasonografija
U radu su prezentovane brojne imidžing metode medicinske dijagnostike koje se danas globalno koriste u kliničkoj praksi, kao i one metode koje su trenutno u fazi istraživanja i razmatranja. Za svaku metodu navedeno je šta ona predstavlja, kako funkcioniše sam princip rada, kao i gde se ona može primeniti i koje su m prednosti i mane.
[1] Hany Kasban, Dina Salama, Mohsen El-bendary (2015) “A Comparative Study of Medical Imaging Techniques”. International Journal of Information Science and Intelligent System.
[2] https://ivamilosevic5.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/skener-ct-kompjuterizovana-tomografija/
[3] https://www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/computed-tomography-ct
[5] Landis K. Griffeth (2005) “Use of PET/CT scanning in cancer patients: technical and practical considerations”. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings.
[7] Fikri M Abu-Zidan, Ashraf F Hefny, and Peter Corr (2011) “Clinical ultrasound physics”. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock.
[8] Yiwen Sun, Ming Yiu Sy, Yi-Xiang J Wang, Anil T Ahuja, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Emma Pickwell-MacPherson (2011) “A promising diagnostic method: Terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy”. World Journal of Radiology.
[9] Calvin Yu, Shuting Fan, Yiwen Sun, Emma Pickwell-MacPherson (2012) “The potential of terahertz imaging for cancer diagnosis: A review of investigations to date”. Quantitive Imaging in Medicine and Surgery.
[11] Misioek M, Namysowski G, Czecior E. (1999) “Thermography in the investigation of head and neck tumors”. Med Sci Monit.
[12] Damjanović Z, Stevic Z, Vušović N. (2012) „Infrared digitalne slike u medicini“. Zbornik radova na CD.
[13] S.M.W.Y. van de Ven, S.G. Elias, M.A.A.J. van den Bosch, P. Luijten, W.P.Th.M. Mali (2008) “Optical imaging of the breast”. Cancer Imaging.
[14] Michael Herranz, Alvaro Ruibal (2012) “Optical Imaging in Breast Cancer Diagnosis: The next Evolution”. Journal of oncology.
[2] https://ivamilosevic5.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/skener-ct-kompjuterizovana-tomografija/
[3] https://www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/computed-tomography-ct
[5] Landis K. Griffeth (2005) “Use of PET/CT scanning in cancer patients: technical and practical considerations”. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings.
[7] Fikri M Abu-Zidan, Ashraf F Hefny, and Peter Corr (2011) “Clinical ultrasound physics”. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock.
[8] Yiwen Sun, Ming Yiu Sy, Yi-Xiang J Wang, Anil T Ahuja, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Emma Pickwell-MacPherson (2011) “A promising diagnostic method: Terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy”. World Journal of Radiology.
[9] Calvin Yu, Shuting Fan, Yiwen Sun, Emma Pickwell-MacPherson (2012) “The potential of terahertz imaging for cancer diagnosis: A review of investigations to date”. Quantitive Imaging in Medicine and Surgery.
[11] Misioek M, Namysowski G, Czecior E. (1999) “Thermography in the investigation of head and neck tumors”. Med Sci Monit.
[12] Damjanović Z, Stevic Z, Vušović N. (2012) „Infrared digitalne slike u medicini“. Zbornik radova na CD.
[13] S.M.W.Y. van de Ven, S.G. Elias, M.A.A.J. van den Bosch, P. Luijten, W.P.Th.M. Mali (2008) “Optical imaging of the breast”. Cancer Imaging.
[14] Michael Herranz, Alvaro Ruibal (2012) “Optical Imaging in Breast Cancer Diagnosis: The next Evolution”. Journal of oncology.
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