Ključne reči:
Distributivna mreža, Reaktivna snaga, Faktor snage, Upravljanje kondenzatorima
U radu je razmatran problem optimalnog angažovanja kondenzatora u distributivnoj mreži za period od 24h. Matematički model za njegovo rešavanje je razvijen i implementiran u programskom jeziku C++. Potom je izvršena verifikacija i praćenje toka algoritma na primeru test mreže.
[1] A.Ulinuha, M.A.S.Masoum, S.M.Islam: Optimal Scheduling of LTC and Shunt Capacitors in Large Distorted Distribution Systems Using Evolutionary-Based Algorithms, IEEE Trans. on PWRD, vol. 23, Issue: 1, Jan. 2008.
[2] S.Bajić: Optimizacija napona i reaktivnih snaga u distributivnim mrežama, master rad, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 2014.
[3] J.Park, S.Nam, J.-K.Park: Control of a ULTC Considering the Dispatch Schedule of Capacitors in a Distribution System, IEEE Trans. on PS, vol. 22, Issue: 2, May 2007.
[4] R.H.Liang, Y.S.Wang: Fuzzy-based reactive power and voltage control in a distribution system; IEEE Trans. on PWRD, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 610-618, Apr. 2003.
[5] G.Carpinelli, C.Noce: Voltage Regulators and Capacitor Placement in Three-phase Distribution Szstems with Non-linear and Unbalanced Loads; International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, No.4, 1-17, (2006).
[6] T.Ghose, S.K.Goswam: Effects of unbalances and harmonics on optimal capacitor placement in distribution system; Electric Power Systems Research, 68, 2, 167-173, (2003)
[7] T.Niimura, R.Yokoyama, B.J.Cory: A fuzzy coordination approach for multi-objective voltage and reactive power scheduling of an electric power system; in Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, pp. 267-272, Mar. 1993.
[8] L.Zhang, W.Tang, J.Liang, P.Cong, Y.Cai: Coordinated Day-Ahead Reactive Power Dispatch in Distribution Network Based on Real Power Forecast Errors. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 31. 1-9. 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2466435
[9] Mitchell, Melanie (1996). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Cambridge: MA: MIT Press. стр. 2, 2015.
[2] S.Bajić: Optimizacija napona i reaktivnih snaga u distributivnim mrežama, master rad, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 2014.
[3] J.Park, S.Nam, J.-K.Park: Control of a ULTC Considering the Dispatch Schedule of Capacitors in a Distribution System, IEEE Trans. on PS, vol. 22, Issue: 2, May 2007.
[4] R.H.Liang, Y.S.Wang: Fuzzy-based reactive power and voltage control in a distribution system; IEEE Trans. on PWRD, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 610-618, Apr. 2003.
[5] G.Carpinelli, C.Noce: Voltage Regulators and Capacitor Placement in Three-phase Distribution Szstems with Non-linear and Unbalanced Loads; International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, No.4, 1-17, (2006).
[6] T.Ghose, S.K.Goswam: Effects of unbalances and harmonics on optimal capacitor placement in distribution system; Electric Power Systems Research, 68, 2, 167-173, (2003)
[7] T.Niimura, R.Yokoyama, B.J.Cory: A fuzzy coordination approach for multi-objective voltage and reactive power scheduling of an electric power system; in Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, pp. 267-272, Mar. 1993.
[8] L.Zhang, W.Tang, J.Liang, P.Cong, Y.Cai: Coordinated Day-Ahead Reactive Power Dispatch in Distribution Network Based on Real Power Forecast Errors. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 31. 1-9. 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2466435
[9] Mitchell, Melanie (1996). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Cambridge: MA: MIT Press. стр. 2, 2015.
Elektrotehničko i računarsko inženjerstvo