Ključne reči:
logistički centri, kontinentalni terminali, lanci snabdevanja
U okviru rada, na osnovu iz literature prezentovan je koncept kopnenih terminala i logističkih centara. Prvo su detaljnije objašnjeni globalni trendovi koji su uslovili razvoj koncepta kontinentalnih terminala, nakon čega su prikazane njegove dimenzije i funkcija u okviru lanaca snabdevanja.
[1] 1. Kuhn, Manuel, i drugi. Governance and Conflict Resolution in Dryport Planning. Bremen : University of Bremen, 2012.
[2] 2. Notteboom, Theo i Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. Inland Terminals, Regions and Supply Chains. 2009.
[3] 3. Functions and Actors of Inland Ports: European and North American Dynamics. Rodrigue, Jean-Paul, i drugi. New York : Department of Global Studies & Geography, Hosfra University, 2012.
[4] 4. Group, The Tioga, Industries, Inc. Railroad i Iteris, Inc. Inland Port Feasibility Study. Los Angeles : The Tioga Group, 2008.
[5] 5. Dry Ports in European and North American Intermodal Rail Systems: two of a kind? Rodrigue, Jean-Paul i Notteboom, Theo. Vancouver : Institute of Transport & Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA),, 2012.
[6] 6. Inland Ports: Economic Generators in Texas? Texas Freight Advisory Committee. San Antonio : Texas Department of Transportation, 2013.
[2] 2. Notteboom, Theo i Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. Inland Terminals, Regions and Supply Chains. 2009.
[3] 3. Functions and Actors of Inland Ports: European and North American Dynamics. Rodrigue, Jean-Paul, i drugi. New York : Department of Global Studies & Geography, Hosfra University, 2012.
[4] 4. Group, The Tioga, Industries, Inc. Railroad i Iteris, Inc. Inland Port Feasibility Study. Los Angeles : The Tioga Group, 2008.
[5] 5. Dry Ports in European and North American Intermodal Rail Systems: two of a kind? Rodrigue, Jean-Paul i Notteboom, Theo. Vancouver : Institute of Transport & Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA),, 2012.
[6] 6. Inland Ports: Economic Generators in Texas? Texas Freight Advisory Committee. San Antonio : Texas Department of Transportation, 2013.
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