Ključne reči:
Kvalitet ambijentalnog vazduha, Vremenski trendovi, Organohlorni pesticidi, DDT, DDE, DDD
Ovaj rad omogućava uvid u koncentracione nivoe organohlornih pesticida DDT i DDT metabolita (DDE, DDD) na background lokalitetu AP Vojvodine u toku perioda uzorkovanja od 2009. do 2013. godine, ustanovljene pasivnom metodom uzorkovanja gasovite faze ambijentalnog vazduha.
[1] Radonić J.: Atmosferski transport i modelovanje raspodele između čvrste i gasovite faze policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika, Doktorska teza; FTN, UNS; Novi Sad (2009)
[2] Turk Sekulić M.: Rasprostiranje, depozicija i raspodela polihlorovanih bifenila u heterogenom multikomponentnom sistemu, Doktorska teza; FTN, UNS; Novi Sad (2009)
[3] Moreau Guigon E., Motleay Massei A., Harner T., Pozo K., Diamond M., Chavernuil M., Blanchoud H.: Vertical and Temporal Distribution of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Toronto. 1. Organochlorine Pesticides; Environ. Sci. and Tech. Vol. 41, No. 7 (2007)
[4] Shen L., Wania F., Lei Y.D., Teixiera C., Muir D. C. G., Bidleman T. F.: Atmospheric Distribution and Long-Range Transport Behavior of Organochlorine Pesticides in North America; Environ. Sci. and Tech. 409, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2005)
[5] Wania S., Wania F.: Compilation, Evaluation and Selection of Physical – Chemical Property Data for Organochlorine Pesticides; Department of Chemistry and Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto (2005)
[6] Radonić J., Turk Sekulić M., Vojinović Miloradov M., Čupr P., Klanova J.: Gas – particle partitioning of persistent organic pollutants in the Western Balkan cuntries affected by war conflicts; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 16, Issue 1: 65-72 (2009)
[7] Namiesnik J., Zabiegala B., Kot-Wasik A., Partyka A., Wasik A.: Passive sampling and/or extraction techniques in environmental analysis: a review; Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2005)
[8] Turk Sekulić M., Jakšić J., Vojinović Miloradov M., Klanova J.: Post-war levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air from Serbia determined by active and passive sampling methods; Eviron. Chem. Lett. (ECL) Journal 5: 109-113
[9] J. Klanova, P. Čupr, I. Holoubek: Application of Pasive Sampler for Monitoring of POPs in Ambient Air: Part II; RECETOX, Czech Republic (2007)
[2] Turk Sekulić M.: Rasprostiranje, depozicija i raspodela polihlorovanih bifenila u heterogenom multikomponentnom sistemu, Doktorska teza; FTN, UNS; Novi Sad (2009)
[3] Moreau Guigon E., Motleay Massei A., Harner T., Pozo K., Diamond M., Chavernuil M., Blanchoud H.: Vertical and Temporal Distribution of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Toronto. 1. Organochlorine Pesticides; Environ. Sci. and Tech. Vol. 41, No. 7 (2007)
[4] Shen L., Wania F., Lei Y.D., Teixiera C., Muir D. C. G., Bidleman T. F.: Atmospheric Distribution and Long-Range Transport Behavior of Organochlorine Pesticides in North America; Environ. Sci. and Tech. 409, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2005)
[5] Wania S., Wania F.: Compilation, Evaluation and Selection of Physical – Chemical Property Data for Organochlorine Pesticides; Department of Chemistry and Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto (2005)
[6] Radonić J., Turk Sekulić M., Vojinović Miloradov M., Čupr P., Klanova J.: Gas – particle partitioning of persistent organic pollutants in the Western Balkan cuntries affected by war conflicts; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 16, Issue 1: 65-72 (2009)
[7] Namiesnik J., Zabiegala B., Kot-Wasik A., Partyka A., Wasik A.: Passive sampling and/or extraction techniques in environmental analysis: a review; Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2005)
[8] Turk Sekulić M., Jakšić J., Vojinović Miloradov M., Klanova J.: Post-war levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air from Serbia determined by active and passive sampling methods; Eviron. Chem. Lett. (ECL) Journal 5: 109-113
[9] J. Klanova, P. Čupr, I. Holoubek: Application of Pasive Sampler for Monitoring of POPs in Ambient Air: Part II; RECETOX, Czech Republic (2007)
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