Ključne reči:
emocionalna inteligencija, timska efikasnost, članovi tima, organizacija događaja
Opšte poznata činjenica je da je za uspešno obavljanje posla potreban dobar tim, odnosno tim čiji se članovi dobro razumeju međusobno, te im je i komunikacija na visokom nivou. U toj timskoj efikasnosti i efektivnosti, inteligencija igra posebnu ulogu. U ovom radu se analizira uticaj emocionalne inteligencije svih članova tima na samu organizaciju događaja.
[1] Bagshaw, Mike. 2000. „Emotional intelligence – training people to be affective so they can be effective.“ Industrial and Commercial Training 61-65.
[2] Bhe, T., P. Glasmacker, J. Meckwood, G. Pereira, i M. Wallace. 2004. Event management and Best Practices. RedBooks, IBM.
[3] Brkić, dr Nenad. 2003. „Upravljanje marketing komuniciranjem.“ U Upravljanje marketing komuniciranjem, autor dr Nenad Brkić, 377. Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu.
[4] Cooper, Robert K. 1997. „Applying emotional intelligence in the workplace.“ Training & Development 31-35.
[5] Druskat, Vanessa Urch, i Steven B. Wolff. 2001. „Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups.“ Harward Business Review.
[6] Gantt, Susan P., i Yvonne M. Agazarian. 2004. „Systems-centered emotional intelligence: Beyond Individual Systems to Organizational Systems.“ Organizational Analysis, Vol 12 147-169.
[7] Getz, Donald. 2005. „Event Management and Event Tourism.“ U Event Management and Event Tourism, autor Donald Getz, 3. New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation.
[8] Goleman, Daniel. 2010. Emotional Intelligence. Beograd: Geopoetika izdavaštvo.
[9] Lalić, Danijela, i Tamara Vlastelica. 2016. Primeri dobre prakse odnosa s javnošću. Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad.
[10] Silvers, Julia Rutherford. 2004. „Professional Event Coordination.“ U Professional Event Coordination, autor Julia Rutherford Silvers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
[11] Zeanah’s, Charles. 1998. „Essentials of Public Relations.“ U Essentials of Public Relations, autor Sam Black, str.12. Kogan Page.
[2] Bhe, T., P. Glasmacker, J. Meckwood, G. Pereira, i M. Wallace. 2004. Event management and Best Practices. RedBooks, IBM.
[3] Brkić, dr Nenad. 2003. „Upravljanje marketing komuniciranjem.“ U Upravljanje marketing komuniciranjem, autor dr Nenad Brkić, 377. Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu.
[4] Cooper, Robert K. 1997. „Applying emotional intelligence in the workplace.“ Training & Development 31-35.
[5] Druskat, Vanessa Urch, i Steven B. Wolff. 2001. „Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups.“ Harward Business Review.
[6] Gantt, Susan P., i Yvonne M. Agazarian. 2004. „Systems-centered emotional intelligence: Beyond Individual Systems to Organizational Systems.“ Organizational Analysis, Vol 12 147-169.
[7] Getz, Donald. 2005. „Event Management and Event Tourism.“ U Event Management and Event Tourism, autor Donald Getz, 3. New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation.
[8] Goleman, Daniel. 2010. Emotional Intelligence. Beograd: Geopoetika izdavaštvo.
[9] Lalić, Danijela, i Tamara Vlastelica. 2016. Primeri dobre prakse odnosa s javnošću. Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad.
[10] Silvers, Julia Rutherford. 2004. „Professional Event Coordination.“ U Professional Event Coordination, autor Julia Rutherford Silvers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
[11] Zeanah’s, Charles. 1998. „Essentials of Public Relations.“ U Essentials of Public Relations, autor Sam Black, str.12. Kogan Page.
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