Ključne reči:
Solarna energija, libijska domaćinstva, libijske kompanije, solarni paneli
Libija se nalazi pred velikim izazovima još od 2011. godine, kako političkim, tako i bezbednosnim. Pored velikih poteškoća kroz koje je prolazio narod u ovo zemlji, Libija je pridala veliki značaj implementaciji solarne energije u fabrikama i domaćinstvima – pokušavajući da reši još jedan od problema, snabdevanje elektičnom energijom. Klima u ovom zemlji značajno doprinosi stvaranju mogućnosti da solarna energija bude odličan izvor električne energije za veliki deo stanovništva. Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu je da utvrdi potencijal čiste sunčeve energije za proizvodnju električne energije u kompanijama i domaćinstvima u Libiji.
[1] Barker PP, Bing JM. Advances in solar photovoltaic technology: an applications perspective, In: Proceedings of power engineering society general meeting; 2005.
[2] Green MA. Photovoltaic principles. Phys E: Low-dimens Syst Nanostructures 2002;14(1):11–7.
[3] Razykov T, et al. Solar photovoltaic electricity: current status and future prospects. Sol Energy 2011;85(8):1580–608.
[4] Parida B, Iniyan S, Goic R. A review of solar photovoltaic technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2011;15(3):1625–36.
[5] Kropp R. Solar expected to maintain its status as the world's fastest-growing energy technology. U.S.A: Sustainability Investment News; 2009.
[6] Solar updraft tower; 2014. Available from: 〈〉.
[7] Jacobson MZ. Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security. Energy Environ Sci 2009;2(2):148–73.
[8] Devabhaktuni V, et al. Solar energy: trends and enabling technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2013;19:555–64.
[9] Helwa N, et al. Maximum collectable solar energy by different solar tracking systems. Energy Sources 2000;22(1):23–34.
[2] Green MA. Photovoltaic principles. Phys E: Low-dimens Syst Nanostructures 2002;14(1):11–7.
[3] Razykov T, et al. Solar photovoltaic electricity: current status and future prospects. Sol Energy 2011;85(8):1580–608.
[4] Parida B, Iniyan S, Goic R. A review of solar photovoltaic technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2011;15(3):1625–36.
[5] Kropp R. Solar expected to maintain its status as the world's fastest-growing energy technology. U.S.A: Sustainability Investment News; 2009.
[6] Solar updraft tower; 2014. Available from: 〈〉.
[7] Jacobson MZ. Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security. Energy Environ Sci 2009;2(2):148–73.
[8] Devabhaktuni V, et al. Solar energy: trends and enabling technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2013;19:555–64.
[9] Helwa N, et al. Maximum collectable solar energy by different solar tracking systems. Energy Sources 2000;22(1):23–34.
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