Ključne reči:
brendiranje poslodavca, atraktivnost poslodavca, reputacija, društvene mreže, generacija Z
U ovom radu istražena je priroda povezanosti brenda poslodavca, upotrebe društvenih mreža i namere za zaposlenje kod studenata generacije Z za tri kompanije koje su se u predistraživanju pokazale kao najpoželjniji poslodavac: Vega IT, Microsoft i NIS.
[1] M. Edwards, “An integrative review of employer branding and OB theory,” 2010.
[2] J. Sullivan, “The 8 Elements of a Successful Employment Brand,” ERE Recruiting Intelligence, 23 February 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.ere.net/the-8-elements-of-a-successful-employment-brand/. (Pristupljeno u Septembru 2021.)
[3] D. M. Cable and D. B. Turban, “Establishing the dimensions, sources and value of job seekers' employer knowledge during recruitment,” Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2001.
[4] R. Mosley, “Customer experience, organisational culture and the employer brand,” Journal of Brand Management, 2007.
[5] T. Ambler and S. Barrow, “The Employer Brand,” Journal of Brand Management, 1996.
[6] J. Lukić, M. Brkljač and K. Perčić, “Brendiranje poslodavaca u funkciji privlačenja i zadržavanja talenata koji pripadaju generaciji milenijalaca,” 2019.
[7] D. G. Collings, K. Mellahi and W. F. Cascio, The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2017.
[8] D. Lalić and T. Vlastelica, Korporativne komunikacije za primer, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 2019.
[9] P. Berthon, M. Ewing and L. L. Hah, “Captivating company: Dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding,” International Journal of Advertising, 2005.
[10] S. Highhouse, F. Lievens and E. F. Sinar, “Measuring Attraction to Organizations,” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2003.
[11] L. M. Gomez and I. Soto, “Social Media as a Strategic Tool for Corporate Communication,” Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 2011.
[12] J. Twenge, iGen, Atria Books, 2017.
[2] J. Sullivan, “The 8 Elements of a Successful Employment Brand,” ERE Recruiting Intelligence, 23 February 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.ere.net/the-8-elements-of-a-successful-employment-brand/. (Pristupljeno u Septembru 2021.)
[3] D. M. Cable and D. B. Turban, “Establishing the dimensions, sources and value of job seekers' employer knowledge during recruitment,” Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2001.
[4] R. Mosley, “Customer experience, organisational culture and the employer brand,” Journal of Brand Management, 2007.
[5] T. Ambler and S. Barrow, “The Employer Brand,” Journal of Brand Management, 1996.
[6] J. Lukić, M. Brkljač and K. Perčić, “Brendiranje poslodavaca u funkciji privlačenja i zadržavanja talenata koji pripadaju generaciji milenijalaca,” 2019.
[7] D. G. Collings, K. Mellahi and W. F. Cascio, The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2017.
[8] D. Lalić and T. Vlastelica, Korporativne komunikacije za primer, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 2019.
[9] P. Berthon, M. Ewing and L. L. Hah, “Captivating company: Dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding,” International Journal of Advertising, 2005.
[10] S. Highhouse, F. Lievens and E. F. Sinar, “Measuring Attraction to Organizations,” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2003.
[11] L. M. Gomez and I. Soto, “Social Media as a Strategic Tool for Corporate Communication,” Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 2011.
[12] J. Twenge, iGen, Atria Books, 2017.
Industrijsko inženjerstvo i inženjerski menadžment