Ključne reči:
криптографија, криптографски протокол, SSL, TLS, handshake протокол
У раду је анализиран механизам функционисања различитих верзија криптографског протокола TLS – SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 и TLS 1.3. Размотрени су различити приступи учењу и разумевању принципа на којима се заснива TLS протокол, као што су алат JCrypTool [1] и вебсајт за визуализацију TLS протокола [2]. Напослетку је дат опис Веб апликације за визуализацију TLS протокола.
[1] CrypTool Contributors (2021). JCrypTool. https://www.cryptool.org/en/jct/
[2] Driscoll, M., Denley, Т., Mishra, М., Buhler, М. & Thomas, R. (2020, October 4). The Illustrated TLS Connection. https://tls.ulfheim.net/
[3] Oppliger, R. (2009). SSL and TLS: Theory and Practice (2nd ed.). Artech House.
[4] Thomas, S. (2000). SSL and TLS essentials. New Yourk.
[5] Ristić, I., (2017). Bulletproof SSL and TLS. London: Feisty Duck Limited
[6] Vachharajani, H. (2017). Implementation and Simulation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in Windows Presentation Foundation (Doctoral dissertation).
[7] Yang, R., Wallace, L., & Burchett, I. (2011). Teaching cryptology at all levels using CrypTool. In Proc of the 15th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education Fairborn (pp. 13-15).
[8] Hick, S., Esslinger, B., & Wacker, A. (2012). Reducing the complexity of understanding cryptology using CrypTool. In 10th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2012), Orlando, Florida,USA.
[9] Adamović, S., Branović, I., Živković, D., Tomašević, V., & Milosavljević, M. (2011). Teaching interactive cryptography: the case for CrypTool. In IEEE Conference, ICEST.
[2] Driscoll, M., Denley, Т., Mishra, М., Buhler, М. & Thomas, R. (2020, October 4). The Illustrated TLS Connection. https://tls.ulfheim.net/
[3] Oppliger, R. (2009). SSL and TLS: Theory and Practice (2nd ed.). Artech House.
[4] Thomas, S. (2000). SSL and TLS essentials. New Yourk.
[5] Ristić, I., (2017). Bulletproof SSL and TLS. London: Feisty Duck Limited
[6] Vachharajani, H. (2017). Implementation and Simulation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in Windows Presentation Foundation (Doctoral dissertation).
[7] Yang, R., Wallace, L., & Burchett, I. (2011). Teaching cryptology at all levels using CrypTool. In Proc of the 15th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education Fairborn (pp. 13-15).
[8] Hick, S., Esslinger, B., & Wacker, A. (2012). Reducing the complexity of understanding cryptology using CrypTool. In 10th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2012), Orlando, Florida,USA.
[9] Adamović, S., Branović, I., Živković, D., Tomašević, V., & Milosavljević, M. (2011). Teaching interactive cryptography: the case for CrypTool. In IEEE Conference, ICEST.
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