Ključne reči:
brend, elektronske novine, građansko novinarstvo, društvene mreže
Značaj procesa brendiranja, vidljivi i nevidljivi elementi jednog brenda, uloge marketing komunikacije u uzgradnji brenda i neophodnost društvenih mreža za poslovanje su teme obrađene za svrhu procesa izgradnje brenda elektronskih novina. Sve veća popularnost građanskog novinarstva povezuje se i sa popularnim procesom u menadžmentu „co-creation“, koji je osnažen upravo zahvaljujući digitalnim tehnologijama. Predstavljen je i poslovni model Canvas na primeru brenda „Mejl“.
[1] Reljić, S. (2018), Bukvar medijske pismenosti
[2] de Chernatony, L., & McDonald, M. (2003). Creating powerful brands in consumer. Service and Industrial Markets, 2nd ed., Biddles, Guildford and King’s Lynn.
[3] Davidson, H. (1997). Even More Offensive Marketing. London: Penguin Books Ltd.
[4] Aaker, D.A. (1991). Menaging Brand Equaity. New York: Free Press.
[5] Nikolić, S., Stanković, J., & Dejanović, A. (2015). Brend menadžment - savremena a(tra)kcija, 202.
[6] Keller, K.L. (2015), Strategic Brand Management
[7] Stanković, J. (2018). Model upravljanja procesima brendiranja primenom lean koncepta.
[8] PEW (2010) ‘‘Global Publics Embrace Social Networking’’, Pew Research Center, 15 December,, accessed 18 December 2010.
[9] Singer, J. B. (2017). The journalist as entrepreneur. Rethinking journalism again. Societal role and public relevance in a digital age, 131-145.
[10] Farhi, P. (2009). The Twitter explosion: Whether they are reporting about it, finding sources on it or urging viewers, listeners and readers to follow them on it, journalists just can't seem to get enough of the social networking service. Just how effective is it as a journalism tool?. American journalism review, 31(3), 26-32.
[11] Grant Kennedy (2015), Social Media, master social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram
[12] Macarthy, Andrew (2017), 500 social media marketing tips : essential advice, hints and strategy for business : Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, and more!
[13] Sanders, E. B. N., & Stappers, P. J. (2008). Co-creation and the new landscapes of design. Co-design, 4(1), 5-18.
[14] Koković, D. (2007). Društvo i medijski izazovi. Sad, Filozofski fakultet.
[15] McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail's mass communication theory. Sage publications.
[16] Bowman, S., & Willis, C. (2003). We media. How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, 66.
[17] Bogdanović, J. (2013). Građansko novinarstvo u Srbiji. CM Komunikacija i mediji, 8(28), 67-88.
[18] Tomić, B. (2008). Građansko novinarstvo na radiju i televiziji. Srpska politička misao, 3, 109-128.
[19] Milivojević, S. (2012). Novinarstvo i medijska industrija u Srbiji: izazovi i odgovori. CM Komunikacija i mediji, 7(24), 35-58
[20] Warlop, L., Ratneshwar, S., & Van Osselaer, S. M. (2005). Distinctive brand cues and memory for product consumption experiences. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22(1), 27-44.
[21] Fraser, T., & Banks, A. (2004). Designer's color manual: The complete guide to color theory and application. Chronicle Books.
[22] Machin, D., & Niblock, S. (2008). Branding newspapers: visual texts as social practice. Journalism Studies, 9(2), 244-259.
[23] Pavlik, J. V. (2013). Innovation and the future of journalism. Digital journalism, 1(2), 181-193.
[2] de Chernatony, L., & McDonald, M. (2003). Creating powerful brands in consumer. Service and Industrial Markets, 2nd ed., Biddles, Guildford and King’s Lynn.
[3] Davidson, H. (1997). Even More Offensive Marketing. London: Penguin Books Ltd.
[4] Aaker, D.A. (1991). Menaging Brand Equaity. New York: Free Press.
[5] Nikolić, S., Stanković, J., & Dejanović, A. (2015). Brend menadžment - savremena a(tra)kcija, 202.
[6] Keller, K.L. (2015), Strategic Brand Management
[7] Stanković, J. (2018). Model upravljanja procesima brendiranja primenom lean koncepta.
[8] PEW (2010) ‘‘Global Publics Embrace Social Networking’’, Pew Research Center, 15 December,, accessed 18 December 2010.
[9] Singer, J. B. (2017). The journalist as entrepreneur. Rethinking journalism again. Societal role and public relevance in a digital age, 131-145.
[10] Farhi, P. (2009). The Twitter explosion: Whether they are reporting about it, finding sources on it or urging viewers, listeners and readers to follow them on it, journalists just can't seem to get enough of the social networking service. Just how effective is it as a journalism tool?. American journalism review, 31(3), 26-32.
[11] Grant Kennedy (2015), Social Media, master social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram
[12] Macarthy, Andrew (2017), 500 social media marketing tips : essential advice, hints and strategy for business : Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, and more!
[13] Sanders, E. B. N., & Stappers, P. J. (2008). Co-creation and the new landscapes of design. Co-design, 4(1), 5-18.
[14] Koković, D. (2007). Društvo i medijski izazovi. Sad, Filozofski fakultet.
[15] McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail's mass communication theory. Sage publications.
[16] Bowman, S., & Willis, C. (2003). We media. How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, 66.
[17] Bogdanović, J. (2013). Građansko novinarstvo u Srbiji. CM Komunikacija i mediji, 8(28), 67-88.
[18] Tomić, B. (2008). Građansko novinarstvo na radiju i televiziji. Srpska politička misao, 3, 109-128.
[19] Milivojević, S. (2012). Novinarstvo i medijska industrija u Srbiji: izazovi i odgovori. CM Komunikacija i mediji, 7(24), 35-58
[20] Warlop, L., Ratneshwar, S., & Van Osselaer, S. M. (2005). Distinctive brand cues and memory for product consumption experiences. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22(1), 27-44.
[21] Fraser, T., & Banks, A. (2004). Designer's color manual: The complete guide to color theory and application. Chronicle Books.
[22] Machin, D., & Niblock, S. (2008). Branding newspapers: visual texts as social practice. Journalism Studies, 9(2), 244-259.
[23] Pavlik, J. V. (2013). Innovation and the future of journalism. Digital journalism, 1(2), 181-193.
Industrijsko inženjerstvo i inženjerski menadžment