Ključne reči:
Demotivacija, organizaciono ponašanje, motivacija
Cilj istraživanja ovog master rada jeste prisustvo demotivatora i njihov uticaj na organizaciono ponašanje u preduzeću „PIO Fond“. Teorijske osnove iz ove oblasti predstavljene su u radu. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja dati su predlozi mera za unapređenje procesa motivacije preduzeća.
[1] Armstrong Michaels, Murlis Helen. Rewards Managemenet: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice. London: Kogan Pages Limited, 2007.
[2] B., Gleeson. The Best Ways to Motivate Employees and Get Results. 2016
[3] Njegovan, Biljana. Organizaciona socijalizacija. Novi Sad, 2016.
[4] Gary, Latham. Work motivation: history, theory, research, and practise. USA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2007.
[5] Helen, Armstrong Michaels. Murlis. Rewards Managemenet: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice. London: Kogan Pages Limited, 2007.
[6] Khera, Shiv. THE 4 STAGES FROM MOTIVATION TO DEMOTIVATION. 28 February 2018..
[7] Оlha Halushchak, Mykhailo Halushchak. „The causes of appearance and ways of staff`s demotivation solving in organizations.“ Socio-Economic Problems and the State (2016): 7.
[8] Lucas, Suzanne. 4 Causes of Employee Demotivation (and HR Solutions to Overcome Them). 25 June 2019..
[9] Oktobar 2018.
[2] B., Gleeson. The Best Ways to Motivate Employees and Get Results. 2016
[3] Njegovan, Biljana. Organizaciona socijalizacija. Novi Sad, 2016.
[4] Gary, Latham. Work motivation: history, theory, research, and practise. USA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2007.
[5] Helen, Armstrong Michaels. Murlis. Rewards Managemenet: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice. London: Kogan Pages Limited, 2007.
[6] Khera, Shiv. THE 4 STAGES FROM MOTIVATION TO DEMOTIVATION. 28 February 2018.
[7] Оlha Halushchak, Mykhailo Halushchak. „The causes of appearance and ways of staff`s demotivation solving in organizations.“ Socio-Economic Problems and the State (2016): 7.
[8] Lucas, Suzanne. 4 Causes of Employee Demotivation (and HR Solutions to Overcome Them). 25 June 2019.
[9] Oktobar 2018.
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