Ključne reči:
Potrošači, menadžment, koncept, odnos
Cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje teorijskih osnova koncepta upravljanja odnosima sa korisnicima (CRM), kao i vršenje uporedne analize vezane za određene elemente CRM koncepta u dve organizacije, na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja.
[1] Panian, Ž. (2003). Odnosi s klijentima u e-poslovanju. Zagreb: Sinergija
[2] Rababah, K., Mohd, H., & Ibrahim, H. (2011). A unified definition of CRM towards the successful adoption and implementation. Academic Research International 1.1, 220-228.
[3] Fayerman, M. (2002). Customer Relationship Management. New Direction for Institutional Research, 57-67.
[4] Milisavljević, S. (2012). Razvoj modela sistema upravljanja odnosima sa korisnicima u organizacijama u Srbiji. Novi Sad: Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka.
[5] Doyle, S. (2002). Software review: Communication optimisation - the new mantra of database marketing. Fad or fact? Journal of Database Marketing, 185-191.
[6] Reinhold, O., & Alt, R. (2008). Usability of CRM systems as collaboration infrastructures in business networks. BLED Proceedings.
[7] PennWell Publishing Corp. (2000). Ten steps to successful CRM implementation. Electric Light & Power, 34.
[8] Winer, R. S. (2001). A framework for customer relationship management. California management review, 89-105.
[9] Greenberg, P. (2009, March 6). Do We Really NEED CRM 2.0? Retrieved July 11, 2019, from ZD net: https://www.zdnet.com/article/do-we-really-need-crm-2-0/
[10] Kotler, P. (1972). A generic concept of marketing. Journal of Marketing, 36, 46–54.
[11] Buck-Emden, R., & Zencke, P. (2004). The official guidebook to SAP CRM 4.0. SAP PRESS. Boston: Galileo Press.
[12] Gartner. (2016, May 25). Gartner Says Customer Relationship Management Software Market Grew 12.3 Percent. Retrieved October 3, 2017, from Gartner: https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3329317
[13] Zerbino, P., Aloini, D., Dulmin, R., & Mininno, V. (2018). Big Data-enabled Customer Relationship Management: A holistic. Elsevier, 818-846.
[2] Rababah, K., Mohd, H., & Ibrahim, H. (2011). A unified definition of CRM towards the successful adoption and implementation. Academic Research International 1.1, 220-228.
[3] Fayerman, M. (2002). Customer Relationship Management. New Direction for Institutional Research, 57-67.
[4] Milisavljević, S. (2012). Razvoj modela sistema upravljanja odnosima sa korisnicima u organizacijama u Srbiji. Novi Sad: Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka.
[5] Doyle, S. (2002). Software review: Communication optimisation - the new mantra of database marketing. Fad or fact? Journal of Database Marketing, 185-191.
[6] Reinhold, O., & Alt, R. (2008). Usability of CRM systems as collaboration infrastructures in business networks. BLED Proceedings.
[7] PennWell Publishing Corp. (2000). Ten steps to successful CRM implementation. Electric Light & Power, 34.
[8] Winer, R. S. (2001). A framework for customer relationship management. California management review, 89-105.
[9] Greenberg, P. (2009, March 6). Do We Really NEED CRM 2.0? Retrieved July 11, 2019, from ZD net: https://www.zdnet.com/article/do-we-really-need-crm-2-0/
[10] Kotler, P. (1972). A generic concept of marketing. Journal of Marketing, 36, 46–54.
[11] Buck-Emden, R., & Zencke, P. (2004). The official guidebook to SAP CRM 4.0. SAP PRESS. Boston: Galileo Press.
[12] Gartner. (2016, May 25). Gartner Says Customer Relationship Management Software Market Grew 12.3 Percent. Retrieved October 3, 2017, from Gartner: https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3329317
[13] Zerbino, P., Aloini, D., Dulmin, R., & Mininno, V. (2018). Big Data-enabled Customer Relationship Management: A holistic. Elsevier, 818-846.
Industrijsko inženjerstvo i inženjerski menadžment