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3D модели градова, Ниво детаља, CityGML
3D геоинформације постају важне за градове и њихове политике. Градови зато истражују могућност 3D виртуелних градских модела ради ефикаснијег доношења одлука. Да би максимизирали економску корист од таквих података, градови могу пружити своје 3D геопросторне податке за даље кориштење и на тај начин се могу креирати нове апликације. Овај рад предлаже једно такво апликативно решење.
[1] Stoter, J. and Van Oosterom, P. (2002). Incorporating 3d geo-objects into a 2d geo-dbms. In Proceedings FIG, ACSM/ASPRS, Washington DC, April 19-26, 2002.
[2] Brodeur, J. (2012). Geosemantic interoperability and the geospatial semantic web. In Springer Handbook of Geographic Information, pages 291–310. Springer.
[3] Groger,G., Plumer,L. :CityGML – Interoperable semantic 3D city models. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 71, 12–33 (2012).
[4] Döllner, J., & Buchholz, H. (2005). Continuous level-of-detail modelling of buildings in virtual 3D city models. In C. Shahabi & O. Boucelma (Eds.), 13th ACM International Symposium of Geographical Information Systems (pp. 173-181). Bremen: ACM, New York, USA.
[5] Kolbe, T. H. (2009). Representing and exchanging 3d city models with citygml. In 3D geo-information sciences, pages 15–31. Spring.
[6] Stojakovic V, Generisanje prostora na osnovu perspektivnih slika i primena u oblasti graditeljskog nasleđa, doktorska disertacija, Fakultet tehnickih nauka, Novi Sad
[7] Patais, Petros. 2001. Photogrammetry and visualization. Technical Report, Zurich, Switzerland: Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH.
[8] OGC (2012). OGC city geography markup language (citygml) encoding standard 2.0. Technical Report OGC 12-019, Open Geospatial Consortium
[9] HÁJEK, P., JEDLIČKA, K., VICHROVÁ, M., FIALA, R. Conceptual approach of information rich 3D model about the Terezín Memorial. In Geoinformatics FCE CTU, 2013, Nr. 11, p. 49-62. ISSN: 1802-2669.
[10] Liukkonen, O. 2015. Path of municipal spatial data from a stock map to a 3D city model. Master thesis, Aalto University. p.92.
[2] Brodeur, J. (2012). Geosemantic interoperability and the geospatial semantic web. In Springer Handbook of Geographic Information, pages 291–310. Springer.
[3] Groger,G., Plumer,L. :CityGML – Interoperable semantic 3D city models. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 71, 12–33 (2012).
[4] Döllner, J., & Buchholz, H. (2005). Continuous level-of-detail modelling of buildings in virtual 3D city models. In C. Shahabi & O. Boucelma (Eds.), 13th ACM International Symposium of Geographical Information Systems (pp. 173-181). Bremen: ACM, New York, USA.
[5] Kolbe, T. H. (2009). Representing and exchanging 3d city models with citygml. In 3D geo-information sciences, pages 15–31. Spring.
[6] Stojakovic V, Generisanje prostora na osnovu perspektivnih slika i primena u oblasti graditeljskog nasleđa, doktorska disertacija, Fakultet tehnickih nauka, Novi Sad
[7] Patais, Petros. 2001. Photogrammetry and visualization. Technical Report, Zurich, Switzerland: Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH.
[8] OGC (2012). OGC city geography markup language (citygml) encoding standard 2.0. Technical Report OGC 12-019, Open Geospatial Consortium
[9] HÁJEK, P., JEDLIČKA, K., VICHROVÁ, M., FIALA, R. Conceptual approach of information rich 3D model about the Terezín Memorial. In Geoinformatics FCE CTU, 2013, Nr. 11, p. 49-62. ISSN: 1802-2669.
[10] Liukkonen, O. 2015. Path of municipal spatial data from a stock map to a 3D city model. Master thesis, Aalto University. p.92.
Geodetsko inženjerstvo