• Bojan Vukeljić
Ključne reči: Vremensko kašnjenje, VVO CL, regulacioni resursi


U radu se razmatra putanja signala prilikom komandovanja telemetrisanom tačkom i izvrša­vanja VVO CL funkcije. Razmatraju se tipovi vremenskog kašnjenja kao i samo vremensko kašnjenje koje se javlja prilikom komandovanja i izvršavanja VVO CL funkcije. Takođe, razmatra se i kako i na koji način vremensko kašnjenje utiče na proračune, nadzor sistema i komandovanje. Proračun vremenskog kašnjenja je izvršen na osnovu prikupljenih vremenskih kašnjenja.


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2. J.Nilsson and B.Bernhardsson: Analysis of Real-Time Control Systems with Time Delays: Department of Automatic Control Lund Institute of Technology Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden.
3. J.W.Stahlhut, T.J.Browne, G.T.Heydt, V.V.Fellow: Latency Viewed as a Stochastic Process and its Impact on Wide Area Power System Control Signals: IEEE Transactions on power system, Vol. 23, No. 1, February 2008.
4. P.Kansal, A.Bose: Bandwidth and Latency Requirements for Smart Transmission Grid Applications: IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2012, pp. 1344-1352.
5. Smart Grids on the Distribution Level – Hype or Vision?: CIRED Working Group on Smart Grids, Germany, 2013, pp. 37-57
6. B.Naduvathuparambil, M.C.Valenti, A.Feliachi: Communication Delays in Wide Area Measurement System: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (Cat. No.02EX540), Huntsville, AL, USA, 19-19 March 2002.
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8. G.Chao: Voltage Control in Distribution Networks using On-Load Tap Changer Transformers, PhD, University of Bath, UK, 2013.
9. F.Zhang, Y.Sun, L.Cheng, X. Li, J.H. Chow, W. Zhao: Measurement and Modeling of Delays in Wide-Area Closed-Loop Control Systems: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, China, September 2014, pp. 2426-2433.
10. N.Vučićević: Spremnost modela elektrodistributivne mreže primenom naprednih DMS energetskih funkcija, magistarska teza, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad April 2016.
11. A.M.Stanković, V.Švenda, A.T.Sarić: Hybrid Power System State Estimation with Irregular Sampling: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 16-20 July 2017.
Elektrotehničko i računarsko inženjerstvo