Subject: Power Electronic in Drive and Industry (12 - EE424A)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Power Electronics, Machines and Facilities
Course specification

Course is active from 10.10.2005..

The basic course objective is to acquire knowledge related to the application of power electronics in industrial drives, analysis of the electromotor drive structures, types of measuring and sensor equipment, programmable logic controllers and monitoring systems.
- the knowledge of the types of power electronics converters and methods of analysis of their operation - the knowledge of the acquisition techniques and signal processing in industrial environment - the knowledge of the control methods and industrial process management
Introduction. Design of power electronics devices for drive and industry. Place and importance of power converter and drive modeling. Classification of simulation tools. Methods of power electronics system simulation in regulated drives. Methods of power converter modeling. Idealization and approximation. General types of converters. Place and importance of power electronic devices in drives. Alternating machines in industry. Pulse width modulation techniques. Scalar and vector control. General characteristics of frequency controllers. Sensors in industry. Types. Programmable logic controllers. Industrial networks. Monitoring and acquisition systems. Procedure of making the device. Packaging and protection. Radiation and higher harmonics-electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Technical documentation. Standards and testing.
Lectures and laboratory practice are focused on introduction to and independent handling of contemporary elements of industrial automation. A visit to the factories is planned in order to fully understand the theoretically taught and practically tested matter.
V.Vasić, Đ. OrosEnergetska elektronika u pogonu i industriji2012FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
B.DokićEnergetska elektronika-pretvarači i regulatori1999ETF – Banja LukaSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Complex exercisesYesYes60.00
Laboratory exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Vasić Veran
Full Professor

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Porobić Vlado
Full Professor

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Milićević Dragan
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes