Subject: Wind Energy Conversion System (06 - EOS23)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Power Electronics, Machines and Facilities
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2009..

Course should provide insight into the importance of renewable energy sources, wind energy present opportunities as well as technical solutions and methods for its successful and efficient utilization. The subject enters the authoritative review of the basic concepts and issues related to the operation of the wind farm under actual working conditions (of-grid mode of operation, and in parallel to the power grid). In addition, the aim is to present generators, or drives that are used in wind farms with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and their methods and procedures for the control and regulation in order to achieve the pre-defined standards and quality of delivered energy. In addition, the course provides a brief insight into the mechanical subsystem of the wind farm. The purpose of this course is to present the economic and socio-technical point of view of wind energy, with particular reference to the situation in Serbia.
Students will gain a clear insight into the possibilities offered by energy renewable sources, primarily wind. They wiil learn all applicable terms in the operation and utilization of wind energy. Be introduced to the component parts of wind power plants (mechanical subsystem, power subsystem - generator, power electronic devices, etc..). They will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of different technical solutions, as well as the extent of their use. Being familiar with the basic procedures actuator wind farms to meet the demand for quality of delivered electricity. Be introduced to the economic issues related to wind energy exploitation with reference to the condition and potential applications in Serbia.
The importance of renewable energy sources. Opportunities and advantages of renewable energy sources. Wind as a renewable energy source (wind nature, types of wind, wind rose). The energy content of the wind. Convert wind energy into mechanical energy (current pipe, power curve, curve performance review and comparison of certain characteristics). System management and security system wind farms. Power regulating. The choice of the axis of rotation and the number of blades. The main parts of the wind turbine. Choice of generators in wind farms. Generator (squirel cage induction generator, asynchronous generator with wound rotorm, synchronous generator with permanent magnets), The connections of generators and inverters in wind turbine operation, The influence of wind speed (linear, impact, noise changes). On- grid mode of operation (voltage dips, transient, interaction between the wind turbines and distribution transformers), Island wind farm operation, requirements for quality supplied al. energy, Role of FACTS devices to improve the quality of delivered energy, wind energy techno-economic considerations (reliability, investment payback time, cost allocation). Possibilities for production of electricity from wind energy in Serbia
The case will be studied through exposure to the fundamental principles of lectures, discussion and examples of solving problems relevant to the auditory exercises and practical work in the laboratory and plant (demonstrations and exercises).
Tony Burton, David Sharpe, Nick Jenkins, Erwin BossanyiWind Energy Handbook2001John Wiley & Sons LtdEnglish
Ljiljana Pilić, Darko Stipančev, Zoran MilasHidroenergetska i aeroenergetska postrojenja1996Školska knjiga, ZagrebCroatian
B. Wu, Y. Lang, N. Zargari, S. KouroPower Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems2011Wiley - IEEE PressEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes30.00
Coloquium examYesYes20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Čorba Zoltan
Associate Professor

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Grabić Stevan
Associate Professor

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Porobić Vlado
Full Professor

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Jerkan Dejan
Associate Professor

Practical classes