Subject: Business processes analysis and modelling (17 - IZOO12)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Information-Communication Systems
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Course specification

Course is active from 29.04.2014..

The goal of course is the mastery of basic concepts and approaches that allow analysis and modeling of business processes in various types of enterprises, using of methods for the modeling of business processes, procedures and monitoring the integration process which flows activities go beyond the limits of the functions of the business system, the dynamic allocation of resources as well as the consistency of data and tools to support the integration of different entities lifecycle enterprise.
Students will be able to create models of business processes in industrial companies, service organizations and other types of ogranizations, with the goal of building a complete representation of the company, from defining the mission and strategy, through modeling of all functions to identify the key performance indicators (KPI). In addition, students will be able to apply the tools that allow companies to share key information / knowledge to achieve coordination of business processes and cooperative decision-making, and achieve business process integration in the enterprise.
Basic concepts and definitions. Types of business systems - companies. Methodology for integrating business processes in the company. CIMOS and GRAI concepts. IDEF0 methodology for the development of business process models. ARIS modeling approach and the integration of business processes. Reference model integration of company processes. A-R approach to enterprise integration and modeling. PLM as an enterprise integration concept. Introduction to the application of information technology in mergers. Enterprise systems and their integration. Practical examples of the integration business processes in the company.
Lectures and laboratory exercises are performed in a purpose-built laboratory demonstration of the application of different methods and software solutions for the integration of business processes and enterprise systems in real-world conditions.
Tešić, Z., i dr.Organizacija i upravljanje poslovnim procesima2011Fakultet tehničkih Nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Wing, L.Enterprise architecture and Integration2007IGI GlobalEnglish
Vernadat, F.B.Enterprise Modelling and Integration Principles and Application1996Chapman and HallEnglish
Lefeber, E., Roorda, J.Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems2006FU PressEnglish
Davis, R., Brabander, E.ARIS2007SpringerEnglish
Balaban, N., Ristić, Ž.Upravljanje performansama2012M&I Systems.Co.Serbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Stevanov Branislav
Associate Professor

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Gračanin Danijela
Associate Professor

Computational classes
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Dakić Dušanka
Assistant Professor

Computational classes
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Vidović Daria
Assistant - Master

Computational classes