Subject: Analysis and Assessment of Air Quality (17 - Z482)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Environment Protection Engineering
Native organizations units

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Course specification

Course is active from 03.10.2013..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Chemical Principles in Environmental EngineeringYesYes
Ambient air pollutionYesNo
- To introduce the methods of air sampling, to the students; - To develop knowledge about qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollutants in ambient air; - To introduce the contemporary methods for identifying sources of emission and population health risk assessment, to the students.
After completing the course and passing the exam, the student will be able to: - Use the methods of air sampling; - Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollutants in ambient air; - Identify sources of emission of pollutants in ambient air; - Assess population health risk.
Active air sampling - equipment, modules and preparation of modules for sampling, sampling procedures. Evaluation of the results of analysis and calculation of air pollutants concentration. Passive air sampling - a theory of passive sampling, modules and module preparation for sampling, the use of different design passive samplers for monitoring of organic pollutants in the air. Indoor air sampling methods. The sampling of the suspended particles and precipitate, volatile organic compounds, inorganic oxides and formaldehyde. Preparation of samples for analysis. Instrumental methods of analysis. Methods of identification of emission sources. Assessment of risk of exposure to high concentrations of air pollutants. Control of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
Lectures. Laboratory and calculation exercises. Consultations - individual and collective. During the semester, students are obliged to attend lectures and exercises, to pass colloquiums in a number of experimental exercises. After successfully realized examination prerequisites, students take the final exam.
Greenwood, R., Mills, G., Vrana, B.Passive sampling techniques in environmental monitoring2007ElsevierEnglish
Ilić, P.Zagađenje i kontrola kvaliteta vazduha u funkciji zaštite životne sredine2014Nezavisni univerzitet, Banja LukaSerbian language
Jovan ĐukovićHemija atmosfere2001Rudarski institut BeogradSerbian language
J. Radonić, D. Adamović, M. Turk SekulićAnaliza i procena stanja kvaliteta vazduha, skripta2017Serbian language
Acevedo, M.F.Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models2013CRC Press, New YorkEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Laboratory exercise defenceYesYes20.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Laboratory exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Radonić Jelena
Full Professor

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Turk-Sekulić Maja
Full Professor

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Dmitrašinović Sonja
Research Associate

Laboratory classes