Subject: Transport Network Technology (17 - EMS241)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Telecommunications and Signal Processing
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Course specification

Course is active from 25.08.2017..

Introduction to the basic aspects of modern technologies of transport telecommunication networks: topology, elements, purpose, functioning, advantages and disadvantages.
A student who successfully completes this course will have knowledge of modern technologies of transport telecommunication networks, their types, purposes, functioning principles, advantages and disadvantages, and how to design these networks.
Introduction - basic concepts, motivation for the development of transport networks. Types of transport networks - PDH, SDH, ATM, MPLS, OTN, Gigabit Ethernet. Modern transport networks, basic concepts - MPLS, OTN, Gigabit Ethernet. Architecture, protocols and routing in modern transport networks. Quality of service. Traffic management and resources reservation.
Lectures, exercises, consultations.
D. Nemec, Č. Stefanović, D. VukobratovićOsnove MPLS mreža (skripta)2009Fakultet tehničkih naukaSerbian language
E. IannoneTelecommunication Networks2017CRC PressEnglish
P. Littlewood, F. Masoud, M. LoroOptical Transport Networking2015CienaEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Bajić Dragana
Full Professor

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Martić Goran
Assistant - Master

Practical classes