Subject: Energy Transformations (06 - M119)

Basic Information

CategoryAcademic-general educative
Scientific or art field:Thermal Energetics
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2006..

Introduction to the basic thermodynamics concepts and methods of solving energy conversion problems and application to the specific thermal processes and plants.
Acquisition of basic knowledge about the analysis methods of energy transformation, as well as about the types and processes of thermal plants.
Classification of energy forms. Basic concepts and measurement units for energy and power. Primary forms of energy. Transformation of primary forms of energy into more suitable forms of energy. Transformation of chemical energy into internal energy. Transformation of internal thermal into mechanical energy. Transformation of potential energy of water into mechanical energy. Transformation of mechanical into electrical energy. Transformation of nuclear energy into internal energy.
Lectures, Mentoring and Consultations. Auditory Practice. Computing Practice. The knowledge is tested on the examination. Alternatively, the examination can be taken successively through two term papers. In that case, if the student defends both term papers, he/she doesn`t take the examination. If the student defends only 1 paper, he/she has to take the second part of the syllabus during the examination term.
Hrvoje PožarOsnove energetike (Prvi svezak)1976Školska knjiga ZagrebSerbian language
Mica MaricNauka o toploti (termodinamika, prenos toplote, sagorevanje)2002Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Novi SadSerbian language
Hrvoje PožarOsnove energetike (Drugi svezak)1976Školska knjiga ZagrebEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes15.00
Term paperYesYes15.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes60.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Đaković Damir
Full Professor

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Gvozdenac Urošević Branka
Full Professor

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Milivojević Nikola
Assistant - Master

Practical classes