Subject: Project Management Methods and Techniques (14 - IZOO18)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Proizvodni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment-projektovanje proizvodnih sistema
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Course specification

Course is active from 29.05.2014..

Educational objective of this subject is to enable students to understand nature of projects, important project management processes and to gain knowledge required for successful initiation and delivery of projects for modern technologies application. Students should gain knowledge about existing standards and methodologies (PMI, IPMA…) and importance and possibilities of project management application in practice in different business fields. This course shows how complex IT projects can be effectively planned, implemented and controlled. Student will learn which tools and methods are used in which project development phases.
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to initiate projects, to individually deliver project tasks, to collaborate in project environment, will know fundamental project management processes, emerging project management methodologies (Agile, Scrum…) which are used for new technologies development. erent business analysis and reporting techniques, to make use of data obtained from information systems, to provide general overview and business implications from company documentation and create graphical results of analysis, to communicate with relevant stakeholders about business changes and to provide solution on basic level problem complexity.
Following topics are covered in this course: Project fundamentals. Standards and methods for Project Management (PMI, IPMA) Project Scope Management. Project Integration Management. Project Time Management. Project Financial Management. Project Quality Management. Project Resource Management. Project Communication Management. Project Risk Management. Project Procurement Management. IT Project Management. Functional System Decomposition using IDEF0 methodology. Agile Project Management. Scrum methodology. Prince2 methodology. Microsoft Solution Framework.
A variety of approaches to teaching and learning are adapted including multimedia lectures and computer simulated exercises. Fundamental models and theoretical approach will be shown on lectures and concrete examples on exercises will be complementary to the provided content on lectures. Exercises held on computers will be interactive with use of modeling tools. Teaching methods will be directed towards active involvement of students having minimum 40% of the time spent in this way.
Morača, S.Upravljanje IT projektima2010Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Grupa autoraKorpus znanja za upravljanje projektima (PMBOK vodič) četvrto izdanje2010PMBOK®/ FTNSerbian language
Fabrizio FioravantiSkils for Managing Rapidli Changing IT Projects, 2006IRM Press, USAEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Coloquium examYesNo25.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Radaković Nikola
Full Professor

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Simeunović Nenad
Full Professor

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Matić Danka
Professional Studies Professor

Computational classes
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Vukmanović Miloš
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Novković Teodora

Computational classes