Subject: Selected chapters in Physics I (17 - Z103)

Basic Information

CategoryAcademic-general educative
Scientific or art field:Physics
Native organizations units

Department of Fundamentals Sciences
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2005..

Acquisition of basic knowledge in physics. The course objective is to introduce students to the basic physical principles and laws necessary for the process analysis and phenomena in environmental engineering. Acquired knowledge is a necessary basis for further studying and reading the professional literature.
Acquired knowledge enables understanding of the basic physical principles serving in the measurement and analysis of the living environment state. The knowledge of theoretical basis of selected chapters in physics relevant for environmental engineering, as well as practical basis of the measurement and understanding of physical results.
Theoretical lectures: 1) Basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics of translational and rotational motion. Newton`s laws of dynamics. Conservation laws of momentum, angular momentum and energy. Newton`s law of gravity, cosmic speed. 2) Basic laws of statics and fluid dynamics: pressure dependence of the depth of fluid; Pascal`s law; Bernoulli`s equation. 3) Fundamentals of Thermodynamics of ideal gases: First and second law of thermodynamics; Carnot cycle; Internal combustion engine; Boltzmann statistics and its impact on the environment. 4) Mechanical waves: characteristics of sound; Intensity; Standing waves and resonance; Ultrasound and applications. Practical training (experimental and computing practice): experiments done during the practice follow theoretical lecture, as well as computing practice, thus contributing to the better understanding of the theoretical knowledge, as well as deepening the knowledge.
Lectures, Computing Practice, Laboratory Practice and Consultations. The knowledge is checked during laboratory practice and final examination. The examination may be taken through two colloquiums where each represents a logical whole. Both colloquiums are taken in the written form. Colloquiums are held during semester when the lectures are carried out. Students who don`t take the examination through colloquiums have to take the entire examination consisting of the written and oral part. Written part of the final examination is eliminatory. Oral part of the final examination is eliminatory.
Satarić, M.Fizika : termodinamika i talasno kretanje 1997 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Grupa autoraZbirka rešenih zadataka iz fizike : deo 12004Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Grupa autoraZbirka rešenih zadataka iz fizike : deo 22005Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Grupa autora sa FTN-aPraktikum laboratorijskih vežbi iz fizike2004FTNSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Laboratory exercise defenceYesYes20.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes35.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes10.00
Oral part of the examNoYes35.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Samardžić Selena
Full Professor

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Mihailović Aleksandra
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Nemeš Tomas
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Ilić Strahinja
Asistent sa doktoratom

Laboratory classes
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Zečević Milka
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes