Subject: Critical Analysis of Significant Artworks (17 - SDD6)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
Native organizations units

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Course specification

Course is active from 20.02.2019..

Identification, selection and critical analysis of the art work, phenomena and authors in the context of the defined topic of the PhD project in arts.
Establishing proficient level of understanding creative motives and outcomes of various artists artwork in the context of approach to candidate's own artistic research.
Mapping arts production relevant to theoretical platform of the PhD projects in arts. Selection of relevant arts work, creative procedures and approaches. Critical analysis and evaluation of the selected artwork. Potentials of creative interpretation of the acquired experiences applied to candidate's own artwork.
Individual reserachwork under the mentorship.
Grupa autoraSva raspoloživa literatura (knjige, monografije, doktorski i magistarski radovi iz oblasti, katalozi, periodika, elektronska izdanja, internet prezentacije...) obuhvaćena studijskim programom u celini.sve Serbian/English language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projektaNoYes50.00
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