Subject: Data Warehouse Design (12 - IM2513)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Information-Communication Systems
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Course which have preconditioned courses Data Warehouse Design

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Data mining methodsYesNo
Software testing principles and methodsYesNo
The course provides students with the knowledge about the principles of design and appliance of data warehouse (DW), emphasizing the significance of strategic analysis of organization for the development of DW system. Through mastering general design methodology and general architecture of DW, students should be able to plan the project of DW development, choose the appropriate architecture components and build DW that will be good basement for quality business intelligence system. Given the extremely dynamic development of commercial tools in this area, an important goal is to enable students to a systematic approach to the study of new tools that will enable them to quickly and easily master their use.
Upon completing this course successfully, students will be able to: formulate problem from Universe of Discourse, design and implement database, model and build the system to carry out analytical data from transactional data, using several methods and techniques, and to build a data warehouse. Student will be introduced with the mechanisms of database management systems aimed at data warehouse system support, and with the techniques for the performance improvement of data warehouse systems.
Introduction to data warehouse systems and business intelligence. Strategical analysis of the organization, data warehouse system development and decision support systems. The complexity of the construction and use of data warehouse systems. Architecture of data warehouse system. Data warehouse design methodology. Meta-data management. Methods and techniques for initially loading and refreshing of data warehouse. Methods and techniques to derive analytical data from transactional data. Data transformation and loading. Data base management system mechanisms to support data warehouse system. Performance, safety and security of data warehouse systems.
Lectures; laboratory exercises; individual consultations; team work on the design of conceptual data base schema; individual work (assignments). Students are encouraged to communicate, to reason critically, to work independently and to contribute actively to teaching process.
Mogin, P., Luković, I., Govedarica, M.Principi projektovanja baza podataka2004FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
Elmasri R, Navathe S.Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6/E2011Pearson Education Ltd.English
Inmon, W.H.Building the Data Warehouse2005WileyEnglish
Kimball R., Ross M., Thornthwaite W., Mundy J., Becker B. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit 2008WileyEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Complex exercisesYesYes30.00
Project taskYesYes15.00
Computer exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ristić Sonja
Full Professor

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Stefanović Nenad
Assistant - Master

Computational classes