Subject: Discrete Mathematics (17 - ESI002)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Teorijska i primenjena matematika
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Course specification

Course is active from 15.11.2012..

The main aim of the course is to train students abstract thinking and acquire basic knowledge in the field of classical combinatorial objects, non-classical combinatorial objects and graph theory. Students will learn to classify combinatorial problems and solve them using well-known combinatorial methods, through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and solving practical examples. Through the learning of well-known concepts and theorems from graph theory, students will be able to set graphic formal models from other fields (e.g. computer science and transport engineering). Properties of graphs will be precisely mathematically proved, with the aim of further development of students skills for deriving proofs.
As outcome of the course, students will acquire basic knowledge in the field of classical combinatorial objects, non-classical combinatorial objects and graph theory, with their abstract thinking and the skills of proofing being greatly improved. Students will be able to recognize combinatorial objects and solve them by known methods, as well as to develop and analyse graph models in some other fields.
Classical combinatorial objects (permutations, variations and combinations with and without repetition), partition sets, Stirling numbers, recurrent formulas, generative functions, basic concepts of graph theory, graph representation, special classes of graphs, operations on graphs, isomorphism of graphs, connected graphs, trees, planar graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian graphs.
In lectures theoretical part of the course is presented accompanied by characteristic and representative examples in order to better understand the matter. In practice, which follows lectures, typical problems are solved and lectured theory is deepened.
Ratko TošićKombinatorika1999Univezitet u Novom SaduSerbian language
Robin J. WilsonIntroduction to Graph Theory1996Robin WilsonEnglish
I. Bošnjak, D. Mašulović, V. Petrović, R. TošićZbirka zadataka iz teorije grafova2006Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Departman za matematiku i informatikuSerbian language
D. Mašulović, M.PechZbirka zadataka iz kombinatorike2015Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za matematiku i informatikuSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes30.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Computer exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes40.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Pantović Jovanka
Full Professor

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Ciganović Radojka
Assistant - Master

Practical classes