Subject: Digital Controlling Electronics (06 - H1402)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Electronics
Course specification

Course is active from 13.10.2008..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Analougue ElectronicsYesYes
Impuls ElectronicsYesYes
Acquiring practical knowledge in the field of digital controlling enlectronics; optoelectronics components, lasers, optical fibers, sensors, practical work on the diagnostics of optical fibres.
- Ability of designing systems with modern electronic circuts - Ability of analysing complex mechatronics systems for practical realization - Ability of creating complex digital electronic systems with DSP - Ability of designing systems wih complex mechatronics sensors
Significance of electronics in mechatronics. Specialized sensors i mechatronics. Elelctric engines (DC, AC, pase). Electronic drivers for elelctric engines. Engine control (continuously, impusively). Stability problems. Management Algorithms.(analoguous and digital) . Development environment. Digital signal processors. Industry examples. Technical documentation. Writing project.
The communicative method is used in the foreign language course. Students read the text on their own and find new words in the dictionary after a short introduction on the certain topic. This is followed by discussion on the topics related to the text and on conclusions provided in the text. Part of the class is devoted to adoption and exercising of the new vocabulary using oral and written exercises, as well as reviewing and extending the knowledge in grammar. Students are encouraged to communicate in English as much as possible during the work in groups or in group discussions.
Čedomir MilosavljevićOsnovi automatike I, II, III deo2002Elektronski fakultet u NisuSerbian language
Stojić MilićKontinualni sistemi upravljanja1998Serbian language
Stojić MilićDigitalni sistemi upravljanja2004Akademska Misao BeogradSerbian language
Miloš ŽivanovElektronika, pojačavačka kola, teorija i zadaci2004FTN Izdavaštvo, Novi SadSerbian language
S.Lj.Tešić, D.M.VasiljevićOsnovi elektronike: komponente, pojačavačka kola, impulsna i digitalna kola1997Građevinska knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes20.00
Project defenceYesYes50.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Živanov Miloš
Full Professor

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Rajs Vladimir
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Rajs Vladimir
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes