Subject: Art in context 2 (17 - A512)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
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Course specification

Course is active from 19.12.2018..

Introducing students with the development of art and culture in the context of the development of society and social changes in the middle ages.
Essential understanding of the nature and logic of social change in the context of key historical events in the Middle Ages, and the development of art and culture as a consequence or assumption of these changes.
Ideas and values of a medieval view of the world in contemporary art and culture. Late Roman Empire. A great nation of people. Early Middle Ages. The development of Christian communities, societies and states. Late Middle Ages. The emergence of Islam, Islamic society and state. Religious wars. Separation in the Christian world. High Middle Ages. Romanic and Gothic art and culture.
Lectures, exercises, workshops.
Janson, H. W.Istorija umetnosti2016Began komerc, ZemunSerbian language
Молинари, ЧезареИсторија позоришта1982Вук Караџић, БеоградSerbian language
Абрахам, ЏералдОксфордска историја музике 22002Клио, БеоградSerbian language
Диби, ЖоржУметност и друштво у средњем веку2001Клио, БеоградSerbian language
Деретић, ЈованИсторија српске књижевности1983Нолит, БеоградSerbian language
Кохан, П.С.Историја западноевропске књижевности 11972Свјетлост, СарајевоSerbian language
Бојанин, СтанојеЗабаве и светковине у средњевековној Србији2005Историјски институт – Службени гласник, БеоградSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Lecture attendanceYesYes10.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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David Mia
Vanredni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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Pavlović Andrija
Assistant Professor

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Hočevar Marjeta
Gostujući profesor - istaknuti umetnik
