Subject: Theatre Practices of Scene Design (17 - SD203)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.01.2014..

Acquiring in-depth knowledge to identify, critically analyse and creatively use contemporary scene design experiences in theatre.
Principles and methodology in the process of contemporary performance creation. Scene design structure. Performing space articulation. Set design. Costume design. Light design. Sound design. Technique and technology of theatre performance. Relationship between audience and theatre performance.
Principles and methodology in the process of contemporary performance creation. Space as theatre performance starting point. Space as creative means in drama structure. Space as creative means in scenic structure. Structure of performing space. Means of spacial expression. Textuality of space and space as text. New directing techniques of creative use of space. New acting techniques of creative use of space. Body and movement in space. New techinolgies in scenography and theatre directing.
Lectures, workshop, creative work within workshop, project.
Šekner, R.Ka postmodernom pozorištu1992Institut za pozorište, film, radio i televiziju, FDU, BeogradSerbian language
Barba, E; Savareze, N.Rečnik pozorišne antropologije - tajna umetnost glume1996Institut za pozorište, film, radio i televiziju, FDU, BeogradSerbian language
Gavela, B.Glumac i kazalište1967Sterijino pozorje, Novi SadSerbian language
Hočevar, M.Prostori igre2003JDP, BeogradSerbian language
Bruk, P.Otvorena vrata2006Clio, BeogradSerbian language
Tod, A; Guy Lecat, J; Brook, P.The open circle: Peter Brook’s theatre environmnets2003Palgrave MacmillanEnglish
Hannah, D., Harslof, O.Performance Design2008Museum Tusculanum Press, KopenhagenEnglish
Joseph, S.Actor and Architect1964Manchester University Press, OxfordEnglish
Mulryne, R; Shewring, M.Making space for theatre1995Mulryne and Shewring ltd, Stratford upon AvonEnglish
Senker, B.Redateljsko kazalište1984CKD, ZagrebSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projektaNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Dinulović Radivoje
Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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Dimitrovska Daniela
Assistant Professor

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Maljković Sanja
Assistant Professor

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Mihajlović Darinka
Assistant Professor

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Hočevar Marjeta
Gostujući profesor - istaknuti umetnik
